Austin Lutronic Accufit for Body Contour

What is Accufit?

Accufit is a safe, non-invasive method of increasing muscle tone. Accufit has 3x the power of similar devices on the market. This third generation muscle stimulation device can target various muscle groups including abdomen, flanks, buttocks, and thighs. There is no downtime and patients can resume normal activity immediately after treatment. Typically four treatments are recommended but this can vary depending on the patients baseline and what they are wanting to achieve.

Designed to increase muscle stimulation, the Accufit will turbocharge your workouts. By using low-frequency electrical currents to target your muscles directly, Lutronic AccuFit ensures that you get the most out of each and every session. Get ready to take body sculpting and toning to a new level with Lutronic AccuFit.


How does Accufit stimulate muscle ?

Electrodes are placed on the patient’s skin and they transmit electrical energy to the targeted muscle group to activate a muscle contraction. In a 30 minute cycle, the Accufit device is able to cycle through multiple ranges of movement. It uses four different waveforms to manipulate muscles in a variety of ways, including twisting, holding, gripping, and tapping, to mimic a full-body workout. As the treatment becomes more strenuous, so too will the intensity of the feeling. Every cycle ends with a recovery cycle to ensure the patient remains comfortable and the treatment is well tolerated.

When can I see results from Accufit?

Results are usually seen approximately 4-12 weeks after the final session but this can vary depending on the patient.

Am I a candidate for Accufit?

Patients with a pacemaker or internal defibrillator are not candidates for Accufit. Overweight individuals can see a decrease in inches but will not see muscle definition with one sesson.


Gain muscle without working out with Accufit in Austin

  • Muscle growth is stimulated in a manner similar to that achieved by four distinct forms of exercise
  • Treatments are stimulating without being overly painful
  • Each patient receives a unique algorithm
  • Specific muscle groups are targeted and sculpted
  • There is no recovery time required.

How does AccuFit build muscle without exercise?

With AccuFit, you don’t need to spend weeks or months laboring away at the gym to get results—this revolutionary muscle building treatment can help you build lean muscle mass in just one office visit!

Using advanced electrical stimulation technology, AccuFit replicates the motions of four different types of exercises and movements to stimulate thousands of muscle contractions in the span of a few minutes. This is no regular workout—the equivalent of months of exercise takes place in one single session with this breakthrough treatment! No more sweating, no more aching muscles; just powerful, targeted electric pulses that are designed to help you finally reach your fitness goals.